Press and Media and all that Jazz

recent happenings at TinyHorse Books

Be there or be square!


TinyhorseBooks is delighted to announce that THIS BOOKS IS OVERWHELMED has won the GOLDEN WIZZARD BOOK PRIZE!

Coming march, 01. 2025

A little book needs your help! Are you ready for an interactive adventure?

We are part of accessible author week!

Leap into a week of virtual storytelling delving into disability and inclusivity with authors Kate Foster, Danielle Brown, Jordan Scott, Anne Alcott and Charlotte Barkla this National Storytelling Week 2024 – 30th January until the 4th February .  

Throughout each hour-long session you will get to meet authors with lived-experience of disability or whose works feature characters with experience of disabilities! This is a fully-inclusive, online event, featuring closed captions to be suitable for all audiences!

TinyHorse Books

is getting xmas ready!

Don’t miss a month full of freebies and gifts!

UK Drag Race Star reads the Pickles!

For Spectropolis, sleeping under the stars, annual fundraiser, Divina De Campo, Runner up at UK’s Drag Race, Star at The West End Theater in London, reads TROUBLE IN THE PICKLE JAR.

You can listen/watch many amazing books and narrators, by purchasing a family pass and supporting a great cause

#autism #bookdonation #knowledge #empowerment #mentalhealth #wellbeing #spectropolispayitforward

Title reveal!

Our sensory series is growing! BO VS THE PARTY MONSTERS will be our second book using the FEEL-O-METER!

TinyHorsebooks has something HUGE planned for Bo’s new adventure! Have you ever wanted to be part of a book? Then stay tuned!

A new year! Another award!!!

Happy 2023! What better way to start a new year than to wake up to a magical email announcing that your book won the prestigious Golden Wizard bookPrize! Hurray!

Here is what the CEO had to say about WHEN THINGS GET TOO LOUD :

This is an absolutely incredible book—a seminal work of children's literature.

I was moved to tears—not just because it's a beautiful story and well-written, but also because it helped me as a parent of someone who often finds the world too loud. I was struck by how well this book can be used to help children communicate and find their way back to calm, especially when they don't have the language to express their feelings with words.

The author's rhyming is lovely and makes it easy for kids to follow along and understand what's happening, and the message is so important too: It teaches children that their feelings are okay and valid even if they're different from their peers. Not everyone sees the world in the same way—and that's okay, too!

This book should be in every school worldwide and on every bookshelf! It's truly an invaluable resource for children.

- Louise Jane, CEO The Golden Wizard Book Prize

We are part of a fundraiser!

Spectropolis - Pay it Forward is a charitable project set up with the aim of providing knowledge through book donations. We hope to empower autistic individuals, helping them to understand their condition, whilst finding the strategies which work for their individual strengths and needs.

Funding largely comes from family run events, such as our Spectropolos 100km Walk, and walking Pen Y Fan mountain ten times in a 24 hour period. Last year, we arranged our first #sleepunderthestars camping fundraising adventure - it was incredible to see the amount of families who joined our fundraising efforts. Thank you!

DONATE HERE to get access

1 year anniversary!

Let’s celebrate. You can now purchase the HARDCOVER on all mayor selling platforms!

We won second place!!!!

When things get too loud came second in the category special needs/ disability at the annual story monsters book-awards!

It’s Bookstore time!

We are so happy to announce that TinyHorse Books is now available in Utrecht at PaperMoon Books!

Upcoming event

D4CR, Designing for children’s rights, invited Anne Alcott to speak about her book, stigmas around neuro diversity and coping tools in a free online event! Mark your calendar’s for January 27!

Mama G reads the Pickles

Panto Dame Mama G. reads the pickles on her YOU TUBE channel. Go check it out!

Interview with Shannon Lane

Watch an interview about inspiration and writing process here

Podcast time!

Language During Mealtime invited TinyHorse to talk about When things get too loud. Thank you Becca! Listen here.

We are part of the Sensory Stories !

Check out fellow writer, Lindsey Rowe Parker and her great list of sensory stories! We are part of them!

Why create a more inclusive library, school, or bookshelf at home?

"It’s important to show children that some people experience the world differently. To teach openness and acceptance. I hope some children recognize themselves on the page and understand it’s ok to be a little different from others, and for parents and caregivers to realize there is nothing wrong with their child but that there is beauty in neurodiversity. They deserve to be understood and celebrated." Anne Alcott, author and illustrator of When Things Get Too Loud.

Blog guest at the Writer Community

Read about tips, tricks and thoughts about writing kid lit.

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